Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Report on Recruitment and Selection Processes Essay

Healthcare United is an organisation that endeavours to employ the best healthcare professionals. They aim to be the number one Healthcare professionals in Australia, currently employs 1500 Healthcare professionals in VIC and NSW and they wish to widen their operation and open another office in Hobart. Comparing the newly developed 2012 Healthcare United recruitment and selection policy and relevant legislation, I have identified some basic problems still existing in the 2012 recruitment and selection guidelines. Through a detailed analysis on the recruitment and selection procedure, Healthcare United can improve the procedures and the overall process. Timeframes The policy in 2007 has an estimated timeframe of 30 days plus. This is now within a whole timeframe of 2 – 3 weeks maximum. There really needs to be a specific timeframe so Managers can be guided with that, in the 2007 guidelines the managers knew for example that reporting a position vacant had to be done in 2 – 3 days, this could drag out the initial starting process without this timeframe for each process. I feel each process needs a timeframe to keep the processes in the timely manner not just casual 2 – 3 week maximum timeframe, this is outdated compared to current research and practice. Personnel The manager and HR are involved. Analysing the vacant position should already be done by the Manager of department, there should be a template already done for all positions. This would speed the process up and can then be advertised as soon as the Manager notifies HR of the position vacant within their department. Approval of the position to be advertised should be done at this point. Documentation The Manager and HR complete the â€Å"permission to recruit form† together in the 2007 policy, however there is no mention of this in the 2012 policy which could lead to confusion at a later date, documentation should be recorded from the start of the process to the employment of the new employee. Policy should be in place at every process. Training & Support Managers are offered the support for HR in training of personal in 2012 policy, however nothing is mentioned in the policy about the processes of how this will be done? There needs to be a clear process of this as new employees will be asking what it is and how it is conducted? There is no mention of training in the 2007 Guidelines for training either and no mention of induction processes. The manager of each department should be able to identify knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies required for each employee. Support systems needed to implement policy and procedure. Eg: change to the workplace physical setting or new equipment. This all comes under the WHS legislation. Monitoring and Evaluation Mangers should be monitoring and evaluating there department in an ongoing manner, this should be recorded and updated in a formal document or record management system? In the 2007 guidelines and the 2012 policy nothing is mentioned about these processes at all? This is outdated for policies compared to current research and practise. Any monitoring and evaluation tools used must be accessible to relevant employees, valid and reliable and also comply with relevant legislation. Recommendations Position vacant analysis – needs to be conducted by managers and then approved by senior management and paperwork to be provided for each and every position as per 2007. HR not managers to deal with legislative and award requirement needs not managers. Position Description – It must be current and as accurate as possible. Templates reviewed on a quarterly basis for each position, and make sure they are in line with current legislation and it is listed within the advertisement. Timeframes – Estimated timeframes for each process need to be added to the policy as it was with the 2007 policy. This will give a clear indication of what the correct process and timeframes that will and are expected to maintain the outcome required in the specified time stated. Personnel – HR and managers – the lines of each duty in the selection process are not clearly identified it is uncertain what the managers duties are and what the HR departments are, so is contrary to 2007 guidelines? For example does the Manager short  list and short though resumes? Special exemptions to internal recruitment This is not in line the EEO legislation. Managers create advertisement with the support of HR for HU newsletter on intranet. Managers send advertisement with the support of HR advertisement to publications department to post on the intranet. Documentation – I suggest documentation being done for each position vacant and that the position be analysed by the Manager to determine whether the position is still required to be filled by a new employee or for example the duties can be provided and divided amongst current employees or only a part time employee? This should be every time a position becomes vacant. A process with documentation is imperative. Training and Support HR is in charge of the whole procedure in 2007 guideline, it should be the manager’s duty with some support from HR as stated in 2012. Monitoring and Evaluation Senior managers will sign off on the position description; and give approval of position this is consistent with the 2007 policy. Position descriptions are developed by managers using a position description template and Senior or HR management to sign off on position description and approve. Advertisement include: Position title – should be an updated template of each position title including: Key tasks and objectives with required targets. Qualifications required Skills, knowledge, attributes and experience WHS requirements Terms and conditions Advertisement Advertisement does not have a timeframe however the whole process needs to be completed in 2 – 3 weeks, maximum. But in Healthcare United’s 2007 policy, position must be advertised internally and externally for 10 working days. It is contrary to 2012 as in 2007 all positions were firstly advertised internally for a minimum of ten working days and then will be advertised externally for another 10 working days. The 2007 procedure is too long.  There is no mention to comply with the anti-discrimination legislation mentioned in either policy? Shortlist The 2012 policy states the managers will conduct most of this work? With the support of HR department, processes need to be clear on who is responsible for each process of the selection process? In the 2007 Guideline the HR department did the shortlisting and reading of all of the applicants, after a shortlist has been complied I think they then should be sent to the manager to decide who he/she would like to interview for the position. The internal applicants will go through the same application procedure as per EEO legislation. Administration staff to collate all resumes and give to managers. Managers to read and screen each external and internal application and divide them into ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘maybe’ piles and decide on the shortlist to interview. Managers then collate all documentation from short-listed applicants. Managers organise administration staff to send all external applicants not short-listed are standard letter by post or email. I nterview documentation and preparation Should be prepared by the manager with assistant from admin staff. Manager organises interview panel, two members of HR department with one of the HR members being the chairperson. Manager chooses and advises the staff member of their role as ‘expert’ and requests that they think of three job related interview questions. Position description Resumes for each shortlisted candidates Consent to check and release police record form. Standard interview questions for HR members of interview panel. Interview assessment forms for interviewers. Use checklists for documentations. Interview Applicants Selection panel consist of two HR members and one staff member of job related department, with Chairperson being the HR member. It is contrary to 2007 because all the responsibilities are of Managers. It is outdated as current research says that the interview must involve the managers. It does not comply with the current legislation either. Knowledge of relevant equal opportunity, fair work, privacy and anit-discrimination legislation is required within the panel. Interview Applicant To be conducted in a comfortable and quite location Food and beverages for interview panel Interview schedule and timing needed. Managers and HR to organise interview documentation as listed above. Chairperson greets candidate and makes introductions. Chairperson opens interview. Manager and HR member of panel ask applicant a series of standard interview questions. Manager from job-related department ask three question Chairperson asks applicant if they have any question Chairperson informs the candidate of the process. Panel thank candidate for attending Panel complete an interview assessment Panel select applicant Gain approval from senior management subject to reference check. Reference check Reference checking should be done by managers according to 2012 policy while in 2007 it was done by HR. Reference checks are an important part of the selection process. Healthcare united reference check must be conducted on both internal and external applicant by the managers and support of HR department. Procedure: Obtain applicants permission Phone workplace of applicant and speak to manager/referee. Introduce self and organisation and purpose of call. Only ask standard questions about applicant’s knowledge and job related skills, competencies, knowledge and attributes. Job offer The job offer is to be finalised by the department manager. It can be verbal offer made quickly in order to ensure preferred candidate is hired. A verbal offer of employment and a candidates verbal acceptance creates a contractual relationship. Any negotiation on employment terms and conditions must be on a ‘Without Prejudice† basis. Procedure: HR department organise written contract to be drawn up with terms and conditions. Administration to post or email contract to applicant.  Upon receiving of the signed contract HR post new employee advice about induction program. A letter of engagement will then be issued including, start date, position, hours or work and pay and entitlements. Conclusion The 2012 recruitment and selection process will take a maximum of 2-3 weeks. However, the 2007 recruitment and selection process has an estimated time of 35+ days, which is far too long for the stream lined 2012 policy. Even though it takes a much longer time in the process, the 2007 policy has included procedures into recruiting and selecting which is more accurate and detailed, which has a higher chance of recruiting the best possible healthcare professionals. This means they can have the best possible human resources so they can provide the good quality service. With all the existing problems in 2012 recruitment and selection process identified, Healthcare United should adopt the recommendations made above to make the recruitment and selection process more efficient and effective and in line with all current legislation. The policy should further specify what training needs to be undertaken and how it is to be supported. Identify training needs of workforce

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